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Counselling for an Individual.

Distinctly Private Therapy for an individual's need. Specialised one-to-one personal attention; private counselling for an adult's confidential therapeutic needs…

About Individual Counselling.

Sometimes, you just want to talk with someone you trust.

Discussing private matters openly, but in complete confidence, with a highly experienced counsellor such as Dean Richardson MNCPS (Accred/Reg), can feel refreshing to the soul.

But then once that relief is experienced, the alliance between you and your counsellor can promote deeper subjects to be discussed in counselling. Such deeper trust can allow you to work through some difficult and personal matters with Dean… until you have no further need of counselling; then you say goodbye.

To a counsellor you don’t have to justify yourself, you don’t have to feel you’re explaining things to a friend who just won’t (or cannot) “get it”

Friend: “You’re unhappy? Aww, let me cheer you up!”

Counsellor: “You’re unhappy? Tell me more about that…”

Either experience may suit you better – it depends upon what kind of response you’re looking for.

So, when you’re burdened by personal troubles, and friends and family are insufficiently experienced in supporting you through, the private counselling service from Dean can help you address distress and conflicts.

Sometimes, you don’t even need to understand (the details about) why you’re coming into counselling. You and Dean can talk over your instincts and reservations for just the one session, before deciding, together, if continuing to meet seems like a good idea; or to go your separate ways.

Learning that someone is on your side can be enough to feel that counselling was worth trying.

Counsellor Dean Richardson

Individual Counselling Summary.

No Waiting

NHS and charity counselling services often make you wait until the next counsellor is available. Going to a private counsellor, you may often be seen within by next week. Dean also has a limited number of low-fee cases too so you can afford to go private…


Effective counselling demands that you attend no more often, and no less often, than weekly. More time than this can leave the counselling ineffective and waste your money. Weekly sessions also help with your budgeting.

Brief or Longer

Private counselling is not limited by time nor number of sessions (NHS may offer you up to 6 maximum). When you need time to talk things through, private counselling is ideal. We can also discuss and agree a set number of sessions too.

Suitable for…

Suitable for an individual who needs to talk over some personal difficulties. You may be puzzled about your behaviour, or in some emotional distress. Individual counselling can help with this.

Private counselling near me serving the UK Nationwide over Zoom & Skype, plus locations in and around, Havant, Petersfield to Waterlooville, Cosham to Portsmouth & Southsea, Southampton to Chichester, Fareham to Gosport, Hayling Island, Emsworth, Westbourne, Rowland's Castle, local residents anywhere in between and regularly further afield!

Specialist One-to-One Counselling.

As a vastly experienced counsellor, now into his twenty-sixth year of practice, Dean is able to work with a large number of difficulties that individuals face, from a very wide range of different people.

It’s also a relief to know that during the many years of his practice Dean has formed a special-focus in some areas of one-on-one counselling:-

For the More Unusual Types of Personal Difficulties.

Perhaps you’ve been seeking a counsellor who would work with your particular need from one-on-one counselling.

You hesitated because you didn’t find anyone who fitted the bill.

You may find that Dean’s proclivity for the more unusual types of personal difficulties would make Dean a good choice when considering individual counselling.

Why not get in contact for free to see?


Video Counselling from your Home

...from your office, your car, your hotel, or even on a hike.

Dean has over 25 years experience of working in counselling, incorporating 17 years working via secure video conferencing apps (Zoom, Skype, etc). This means you can meet with Dean without ever having to leave home.

You can work with Dean in counselling remotely from your home, your office, your car (yup - some clients like to drive somewhere secluded for their sessions), or even your hotel room if you're away on business. Some people even like to go on a walk, or sit on a park bench. Provided their privacy is being looked after, Dean has no problems working like this.

Counselling sessions work in the same way as face-to-face sessions, except that you won't have to travel to, nor from, Dean's location.

Like to know more?

Video Counsellor Dean Richardson on a Macbook Air

About Havant Online CounsellOR

You could choose any counsellor in and around Havant, 'natch!

Yet, when you think that this may be the most personal, private and possibly vulnerable you're going to be with someone professional, you'd probably choose:

  • someone you can grow to trust,
  • someone who demonstrates highly competent skills, ethics and sensitivity.
  • someone who speaks plain English (rather than psychobabble),
  • someone who's as happy to use base/swearing language as much (or as little) as you do,
  • someone who considers himself a frank, no bullshit counsellor, particularly you when you're in need of an authentic response (rather than an "hmm"),
  • someone who would become an equal part of your therapeutic partnership (e.g. doesn't just sit mostly in silence for 50 minutes).
Does this peak your interest in meeting Dean @ Havant Online Counselling, experiencing all of this this for real?

Counsellor Dean Richardson MNCPS (Accred/Reg) - a simply private choice.

Individual Counselling Fees.

How Counselling Fees Work.

Unlike NHS services (where you have already paid through NI taxation), private counselling will cost you some money.

Individual Counselling sessions are weekly, and last for a standard 50 minutes (with the option to book 90 minute sessions if you prefer). Although sessions are once a week (except for holidays), you may also attend more than once a week if we both think that this would be helpful.

Our sessions will continue one or both of us thinks that we've done enough; then we'll have a conversation about bringing our counselling work to a close.

Fees are payable on the day of our session.

You may pay your counselling fees online (e.g. by a bank transfer, credit/debit card payment or PayPal) or pay in person (cash, cheque [made out to Dean Richardson], credit/debit card).

Restricted Income: If I have spaces available, a lower fee is negotiable should your income make private counselling a struggle to afford. This is not charity (you still must contribute a fee) and it will involve discussing your income and expenditure with the aim to discover a rate that you can afford responsibly. I do not always have any lower-fee spaces available, so please ask when you first get in contact.

Location Image
The Cove Therapy Rooms, 12 West Street Havant Hampshire PO9 1PF UK
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Got a question about Dean Richardson's counselling services in Havant (Hampshire)? Want to make contact, maybe asking about a first appointment? Send Dean a message any time…

Counselling for an Individual.

Distinctly Private Therapy for an individual's need. Specialised one-to-one personal attention; private counselling for an adult's confidential therapeutic needs…

STOP-PRESS: specialty with Zoom & Skype video. Tap for more info…

STOP-PRESS: counselling continues to be available via reliable & confidential Zoom & Teams Video Conferencing ~ ideal for counselling from home, office, abroad. Click here for details…

STOP-PRESS: Secure Zoom & Skype video counselling a specialty. Tap for info…

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